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Nathan Kratzmeyer
Nathan Kratzmeyer

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Using Mixins with PugJS

This post is the fifth in a short series on using the PugJS templating engine with nodejs and expressjs. In the last part, I covered using using "partials" in PugJS. In this post, I will demonstrate how to use Pug to create reusable blocks of code with mixins. Let's get started!

Starting Code

For brevity, I won't list our starting code here. To follow along, be sure your code is up to date with the last part. Final code is on GitHub here.

Adding a Mixin

Let's say you have a form element that you want to use in multiple places throughout your application. Furthermore, let's say you want to be able to style the form independently in each place. How might we do this? We could probably figure out a way to do this with conditional logic as described in part 3. However, this would probably not be the most efficient way to go about it. This is an excellent use-case for PugJS mixin functionality documented here. We're going to skip some of the basic examples and go to a slightly more advanced one, using attributes in mixins. First, let's create a partial file to declare our mixin. Under the partials folder, create a new file called mixins.pug with the following content.

mixin user-form
    form(action="/", method="post" class!=attributes.class)
        input#user-email(type="email", name="user-email")
        button(type="submit") Submit
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here we've declared our user form mixin. The interesting part is class!=attributes.class. As described in the Pug docs, mixins get an implicit 'attributes' argument which we will use to add attributes to our form. Now let's put our form to use. In main-layout.pug, at the very top above the DOCTYPE declaration, add this line:

include ../partials/mixins
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will give us access to our mixin from any file that extends main-layout. In index.pug add the mixin by adding this line to the bottom of the file (be sure to indent properly):

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now if you visit the home page in your browser, you should see your form at the bottom of the page. Notice that there is no class added to the form. Now let's add the form in a different spot and give it a class. In about.pug, add the following as the last line of the file.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

With this usage, we have specified that we want to apply a class of 'modal' to the form. Now if you visit the 'about' page, you should see the form with the correct class applied.


In this post I've gone over using mixins with PugJS. We've seen how to create reusable blocks of code to which we can apply different attributes depending on context.
Hope this was helpful and corrections/comments/critiques are welcome!

Oldest comments (5)

mariana0pachon profile image
Mariana Pachón Puentes

Thank you for this series! It's helping me make a very minimal and nice website. Concering the mixins file, I think it should be mixins.pug, not mixins.js

nkratzmeyer profile image
Nathan Kratzmeyer

You are right! Fixed and thank you!

mariana0pachon profile image
Mariana Pachón Puentes

Hello! Not sure if this is the place to ask but I wanted to test deploying to GitHub pages before developing further. My folder structure is something similar to yours. The problem: GitHub pages is only showing the Readme. I've read that it has to do with the root directory not having an index.html, and defaulting to render the readme. I have tried some solutions but it might be different for Pug because I still have the same issue. Is there anything you could help with for this? Thank you!


  • index.js
  • node_modules/
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • assets/
    • images/
    • scripts/
    • styles/
  • views/
    • index.pug
    • layouts/
    • views/
mommocmoc profile image

As I know, GitHub Pages support static sites only.
See this :

gamerman2001 profile image
Troy Gooden

Thanks for the mixin tip, I was looking for a way to tie a portion of a template to a response from the server and I think this is exactly what I needed. Thank you.