Current state
My group's button right now is currently changing when you hover over it and focus on it. You can click on it and have it take you to the link as well. We also have a working icon.
So far it has been difficult to get the icons to change if you hover over it. I also am still struggling to fully understand web components because it is so different from coding I have done in the passed. It has also been a challenge to figure out how to use npm/yarn and the command line.
Items Learned
I have definitely been learning a lot about GitHub. Before this class I had very limited experience working with it. I feel a lot more comfortable forking, making repos, and pushing/pulling code. I also was not familiar with web components or different kind of frameworks at all. I am starting to understand web components more and how they work. This class has also made me more attentive of different web pages and how they are designed. Another thing I learned was how to actually use the inspect feature. Before I knew how to inspect webpages but not how to use it to help me debug and come up with different solutions.
Here is a link to my current button:
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