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Passion Project

App Scope

I would build an app that focuses on educating people on the environment and how things we are doing and what we are consuming are affecting it.


I would see this app being used by any age or gender, primarily in the US but available worldwide. The US has different laws and regulations for what is allowed in our food, hygiene and make up products, and more compared to many other countries. Many of the things allowed in our products are illegal in other countries. The US is also the second biggest contributor to global warming and pollution, behind China. I think a lot of the US is not properly educated on how our decisions everyday are making a big negative impact on the world.

What would it do?

I would want to design an app that had capability to allow users to search up food and other beauty products and provide a quick analysis on them. The app would tell you how environmentally and ethically friendly the product is. Also would give you ratings on how good the food or product is for you. For example many mascaras have cancer causing chemicals or other contaminants in them. The app would ideally give you an analysis of this and provide you with other alternatives to buy instead. The app could also do an analysis for how eco friendly it is for the company to make these products. A lot of this information is hard to find and not commonly known. These products also tend to be more expensive; however, I think if this information was more easily available it would affect many people's choices. I also think if more people start making the switch to healthier options companies will be forced to make changes and regulations will be changed as well.

Another thing I would like to incorporate in the app would be how to recycle properly. Recycling can be really confusing and changes based on where you live and who the trash company is for that area. A lot of resources go into sorting recyclables and taking out items that are not abled to be recycled or recycled improperly. This shows that many people are taking the time to recycle but do not know how to do it correctly. Having an app that could use your location and provide you with detailed requirements of how to recycle in your area would be beneficial. This again is information that is hard to find and not explained properly. Having this information easy to get I think will likely persuade people to recycle more and correctly.

If money didn't matter

These are a few ideas that I would want incorporated in the app but would likely want to expand to doing analyses on specific companies and their environmental impact and climate initiatives. I would also like to add a spot where people can enter in their information and get their carbon footprint score. I would want to expand further and add more capabilities to the app or design a series of apps. This information is really important but there is no real revenue stream from it so no one wants to invest money into it or make a business out of it. However, if money is no issue than I would definitely want to do all I could to get this information in front of as many people as possible.

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