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Discussion on: Cleaning up Async Functions in React's useEffect Hook (Unsubscribing)

nokternol profile image
Mark Butterworth • Edited

I should start by saying I like the article and have yet to see anyone come up with an elegant solution to the problem. I agree that the closure variable is an anti-pattern and documented in the react teams blog as one of the most common. I solved this issue using signals.js to create an on-demand pub-sub which could be disconnected on unmount and personally I like the elegance of the execution path.

const useAsyncState = <TResult, TArgs>(promise: (...args: TArgs) => Promise<T>, cb: (v: T) => void): (...args: TArgs) => Promise<void> => {
const dispatcher = useMemo(() => new Signal<TResult>(), []);
useEffect(() => {
return () => dispatcher.clear();
}, [dispatcher, cb]);
return (...args: TArgs) => promise(...args).then(dispatcher.emit);

const [state, setState] = useState(undefined);
const loadData = useAsyncState(someAsyncMethod, setState);
useEffect(() => {
}, [loadData]);

I wrote the code for an employer so cannot copy and paste it but above is the general idea/approach.
I actually like how the solution turned out and feel that it is clean albeit a little unintuitive as you then execute a Promise<void>

elijahtrillionz profile image
Elijah Trillionz

Thanks for sharing.

gnt profile image

Can you link to where the React team documents that the closure variable is an anti-pattern? Thanks!

nokternol profile image
Mark Butterworth • Edited

I should also clarify that I am not a fan of the cancellable promise approach either. IMO, the dispatcher pub/sub link in a hook is the cleanest implementation I've seen to date.

The link above is not actually referring to a closure variable but the general approach of tracking mounted to avoid the condition is the reason ismounted() was cited as being removed and it forming an antipattern.

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