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Day 0: Deep Breath and START!

Hello All,

I am Chai, here to learn programming and am excited to create apps and automations as I learn new things.

My Why?

Why do I want to learn programming? For many reasons, and maybe they are connected, maybe not. I will discover as I go through these goals and learn and develop.

  1. Independence: I want to learn so that I can have a bigger freedom in choosing my work times, my career and where I want to work, my holidays, etc. And let's not gloss over the fact that tech is big money and this is one perk I definitely look forward to (once I am a seasoned coder, that is). So financially, career-wise, etc I want to be independent.

  2. I am lazy: I feel like I have soo soo many ideas on how to make tasks easier or automated, if ONLY I knew how to code. And so, here I have come, to not have to use this excuse anymore. I want to empower myself to do what I want, without feeling helpless or useless.

  3. Challenging: I am ready to challenge myself and see where I can go. I have always loved learning and I think I can use this opportunity not only to learn, but how to learn and rewire the way my brain thinks.

And with that, here i am today. It is Day 0.

So what is my aim for today? To get myself set up, signed up and create accounts in Github, StackOverflow, etc. I have done all of this, and somehow I feel so so overwhelmed. (if you are self-taught, how did you manage all this and not run away?)

And maybe, I might also start with a few videos already so that I can get a head start into this.

If you are like me, and starting on this journey, then come say hi. I would love to follow you on your journey as well.

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