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Learning Union-Find

What is Union-Find?

Union-Find is a data structure to manage groups in a tree structure.
When grouping in a tree structure, the advantage is that the following two points can be done quickly

  1. Check if x and y exist in a same group or not.
  2. If x and y exist in the same group, the affiliations of group x and group y can be easily merged.

Try to make Union-find Structure with Rust

struct UnionFind {
    par: Vec<usize>,

impl UnionFind {
    fn new(n: usize) -> Self {
        let mut par = vec![0; n];
        for i in 0..n {
            par[i] = i;
        return Self { par };

    fn root(&mut self, x: usize) -> usize {
        if self.par[x] == x {
            return x;
        self.par[x] = self.root(self.par[x]);

    fn unite(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) {
        let rx = self.root(x);
        let ry = self.root(y);
        if rx == ry {
        self.par[rx] = ry;

    fn same(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        let rx = self.root(x);
        let ry = self.root(y);
        rx == ry
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  • par: par[a] = b means "a's parent is b"
  • new: This function initializes everything as roots.
  • root: This function returns root.

For examples

  • When data x is a root, it returns x
  • When data x is not a root, par recursively traces back to the parent and return parental with

  • unite:
    This function merges two trees that don't have the same root.

  • same:
    This function return true if x and y have the same root.

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