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My First Assessment Test and I Banged It

Ochuko on October 13, 2020

I finally gathered enough courage to click the link in my email. It had come about a week ago and I knew I was unprepared for it. It was a link to ...
rsb177 profile image

You're not the first person to have that happen, won't be the last. I've been working w/ Python for over 10 years and I realized after I finished an assessment problem this morning that I over thought it. As soon as I was off the call, I immediately thought of a super simple one-liner that would have worked better. Lol. This is why I hate live assessments. Oh well, ya just face-palm and move on.

ochukodotspace profile image

Back to the drawing board I guess

ca0v profile image
Corey Alix

It gets worse but we've been there too.

ochukodotspace profile image

Omg 😭😭😂😂

awesomeironman profile image
Cyrus Gracias

Thanks for sharing
Sometimes a 5 minutes break (I know you couldn't afford it while giving test)
A second pair of eyes
helps in solving programming issues
Because meeting programming requirements could be achieved in many ways (sometimes)

richtone profile image
Richard Turza • Edited

Were you allowed to use HTML5 validators like minlength and pattern, or it had to be done in JS? Anyway, don't worry. You will be coding profesionally sooner than you might think! It's all about the hustle.

ochukodotspace profile image

Yes, I could use HTML5 validators but for some reason it never came to mind. I assumed that the solution had to be something complex.
I can't wait for my next assessment; it would be a lot better. Back to the drawing board!

valeriavg profile image

Do you like coding? If so, you have something much more valuable than knowledge and experience: a motivation to evolve. Soon enough you'll figure out that data structures and algorithms are just a common way of solving a particular problem. Some of them will inevitably be rendered inefficient in years to come because someone will dare to look on a problem in a totally wrong way. Sure, that's not exactly the case here and I tend to think that the simpler the solution the better, but hey, I'm a developer for almost a decade and I still make shameful mistakes in my job interviews.
I don't know if you seen it before, but there's a very nice project that might help fill in the blanks and nail those silly interviews: . Good luck!

ochukodotspace profile image

Yesss, I love coding.
Thank you so much, this was so encouraging!

v6 profile image
🦄N B🛡

It's good to get a laugh in the morning.

andrewmplummer profile image
Andrew Plummer

Thanks for sharing this! Keep up the good work!

divineee profile image
dee-vine • Edited

This was a great read!! fear really is one of our biggest enemies. thanks for telling us your experience and reminding us to not allow fear cloud our thoughts.