DEV Community

Discussion on: How to create a secure password that you can remember

ohcubsfan profile image

Doesn't that open you up to losing access to multiple websites if, for some reason, you lose access to the "main" site? For example, if for some reason you lost access to your Google account, you would lose all access to any account where you used that as the login.

wparad profile image
Warren Parad • Edited
  • Would you prefer that every room in your house is always locked with a different key?
  • Do you store those keys in separate pockets?
  • What do you do with your spare keys?
  • What happens when you lose your keyring, don't you just ask your building manager to get you a new one?

Comparing the state of tech to physical world should plainly show how ridiculous it is to use different user name and password on every site, doesn't it?