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Laugesen Huff
Laugesen Huff

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[Idiopathic Nephrotic Symptoms: tips from the Nephrology Part of the Chilean Society of Pediatrics. Component One].

The results provide new information on the role and mechanisms of action of probiotics in attenuating extra-intestinal tumor metastasis.
The results provide new information on the role and mechanisms of action of probiotics in attenuating extra-intestinal tumor metastasis.We surveyed published papers and an international sickle cell disease (SCD) registry to detect susceptibility and clinical course of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in SCD patients. COVID-19 presentation was mild in children and moderate in many SCD adults. Regarding increased comorbidities with age, it seems severe COVID-19 to be more common in older SCD patients. Although the overall outcome of COVID-19 was favorable in SCD children, a high rate of pediatric intensive care unit admission should be considered in managing these patients. To explain COVID-19 outcome in SCD patients, the possible benefits of hydroxyurea therapy could be considered. The obtained results should be interpreted, considering low cases from sub-Saharan people, younger age of SCD patients compared to general population, a bias toward registry of the more severe form of disease, the effect of pre-existing comorbidities with multisystem organ damage, and the role of health socio-economic determinants.
Apart from cost-effectiveness, considerations like equity and acceptability may affect health-care priority setting. Preferably, priority setting combines evidence evaluation with an appraisal procedure, to elicit and weigh these considerations.

To demonstrate a structured approach for eliciting and evaluating a broad range of assessment criteria, including key stakeholders' values, aiming to support decision makers in priority setting.

For a set of cost-effective substitute interventions for depression care, the appraisal criteria were adopted from the Australian Assessing Cost-Effectiveness initiative. All substitute interventions were assessed in an appraisal, using focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews conducted among key stakeholders.

Appraisal of the substitute cost-effective interventions yielded an overview of considerations and an overall recommendation for decision makers. Two out of the thirteen pairs were deemed acceptable and realistic, that is investment in therapist-guint for priority setting.Increased levels of dysfunctional mitochondria within skeletal muscle are correlated with numerous age-related physiopathological conditions. Improving our understanding of the links between mitochondrial function and muscle proteostasis, and the role played by individual genes and regulatory networks, is essential to develop treatments for these conditions. One potential player is the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Fis1, a crucial fission factor heavily involved in mitochondrial dynamics in yeast but with an unknown role in higher-order organisms. By using Drosophila melanogaster as a model, we explored the effect of Fis1 mutations generated by transposon Minos-mediated integration. Mutants exhibited a higher ratio of damaged mitochondria with age as well as elevated reactive oxygen species levels compared with controls. This caused an increase in oxidative stress, resulting in large accumulations of ubiquitinated proteins, accelerated muscle function decline, and mitochondrial myopathies in young mutant flies. Ectopic expression of Fis1 isoforms was sufficient to suppress this phenotype. Loss of Fis1 led to unbalanced mitochondrial proteostasis within fly muscle, decreasing both flight capabilities and lifespan. Fis1 thus clearly plays a role in fly mitochondrial dynamics. Further investigations into the detailed function of Fis1 are necessary for exploring how mitochondrial function correlates with muscle health during aging.Increasing evidence has indicated that thyroid hormone receptor interacting protein 13 (TRIP13) exerts a cancer-promoting role in a broad spectrum of cancers. However, the detailed relevance and function of TRIP13 in cervical cancer remain undefined. The goal of this work was to evaluate the functional significance and mechanism of TRIP13 in cervical cancer. Our data demonstrated that TRIP13 expression was markedly increased in cervical cancer tissue, and high expression of TRIP13 predicted a low survival rate in cervical cancer patients. Knockdown of TRIP13 caused a significant reduction in the proliferation and invasion of cervical cancer cells. By contrast, over-expression of TRIP13 accelerated the proliferation and invasion of cervical cancer cells. Further data revealed that TRIP13 enhanced the activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling associated with modulation of α-Actinin-4 (ACTN4). Knockdown of ACTN4 markedly reversed TRIP13-mediated activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. In addition, inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling reversed TRIP13-induced cancer-promoting effects in cervical cancer cells. Knockdown of TRIP13 markedly retarded the tumor formation and growth of cervical cells in vivo in nude mice. Taken together, the data of this work indicate that TRIP13 accelerates the proliferation and invasion of cervical cancer by enhancing Wnt/β-catenin signaling via regulation of ACTN4. selleck These findings underscore a relevance of the TRIP13/ACTN4/Wnt/β-catenin signaling axis in the progression of cervical cancer and suggest TRIP13 as a potential target for treatment of cervical cancer.Dysphagia lusoria is a rare cause of dysphagia due to impingement of the esophagus by an aberrant right subclavian artery. Although most remain asymptomatic, this aberrant vessel can lead to progressive dysphagia in childhood or even later in life as a result of arteriosclerotic burden and attenuation of esophageal compliance that led to esophageal compression. We present a 56-year-old man with a 3-year history of progressively worsening dysphagia to solids and liquids and globus sensation. Videofluoroscopic swallowing study (modified barium esophagram) and barium esophagram showed delayed barium tablet transit in the upper esophagus and focal smooth narrowing of the upper esophagus caused by external compression, respectively. Computed tomography imaging demonstrated external compression of proximal esophagus from an aberrant right subclavian artery with high atherosclerotic burden. In addition, high-resolution impedance manometry (HRiM) revealed a striking high-pressure pulsatile vascular band in the proximal esophagus (108 mmHg) associated with poor bolus transit, demonstrating the utility of HRiM in strengthening the diagnoses of true dysphagia lusoria.selleck

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