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Optimal Virtual Employee

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4 Major Mistakes in Website Design That You Must Know About

The average lifespan of a website is 3 years, according to multiple researchers. This means that if you have a website that is older than that you must be already looking at revamping the design or getting a new design that is more modern and attractive to the potential users. However, there are some mistakes that some people make while creating a new design. Let us see what these are and how to overcome them.

We all want to make a website design that not only brings in high-quality traffic but also drives good leads, and builds your company’s credibility among the visitors. And the key to achieving these goals is to create high-level content that not only answers the visitors’ queries but also gives them a sense of what you stand for.

There are literally millions of websites that undermine the importance of content by either copying it from somewhere else or making it shabbily. In both scenarios, a user is most often put off, leading to low-quality traffic and even lesser leads. Because, content not only means text but also includes images, infographics, videos, and even white papers, testimonials, case studies, and contact forms.

1. Not Designing With Focus on Functionality:

A poor website design fails in nudging visitors towards taking the desired action on the website. At times, some website designs fail to give a seamless experience to visitors, while also stuttering when a user tries to fetch some data. Here are some very important elements for improving the functionality of your website:

Information architecture and navigation
Call-to-action buttons at relevant spots
Data rendering mechanisms
Social media integrations & attributes

2. Not Checking & Maintaining Page Rankings:

Even if you are not focussing heavily on search engine optimization (SEO) your website will be ranking for some keywords at least. There are multiple ways of finding out where your website is positioned, such as MOZ and AHREFS. You must ensure that when a web page is redesigned, the page ranking is maintained even after the redesign. That way, you will not lose out on existing traffic. You can also use this opportunity to figure out new keywords that you can target for more traffic to your website.

3. Not Trashing Underperforming Content

On any given website, there will be content that is not performing well and leading to leakage of revenue. For instance, there could be a case study that is not relevant to the keywords being targeted in your advertising campaigns. It is advisable to remove that case study and replace it with something that is more relevant. Also, there could be dozens of images and infographics that have become outdated with time and so, it is necessary to remove them when you decide to go for website redesigning. Not doing that will leave you with an oldish-looking website.

4. Not Working On Webpage Design & Copy Together

It may sound obvious, but design and copy have to flow together in good website design. This means that your designers and copywriters have to work together to bring out something attractive and appealing to the eye. Copy often has to be made in a certain way so that it serves the purpose of helping the design as well as lead generation. Long-form content tends to work better with search engines, however, pay-per-click advertising requires short-form and punchy content that makes an immediate impact. It is a delicate balance that we must take care of.

5. Underestimating Stakeholder Inputs, Revisions & Timelines

New website design will have everyone getting curious about it. All people, whether from sales or operations, will be passionate about the new design and will want to contribute effectively. Besides, the management may suggest several rounds of revisions or iterations, which is likely to impact the workflow. Therefore, setting up realistic timelines is extremely essential for a successful website design project.



At Optimal Virtual Employee, the website design teams have years of experience in working on all industries, be it healthcare, real estate, finance, or small businesses. They follow the best practices for website design by amalgamating core ideals with modern trends. With a track record of launching over 1000 websites, they are a trustworthy team that can be relied upon when you want to redesign your website to bring in new business and stay ahead of the competition. Starting at $9 per hour, you also get the best deal in terms of cost savings and hassle-free experience.

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