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Optisol Business

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Laravel Ecosystem – An Overview

Laravel is the most happening framework these days. Some of its great features are the intuitiveness, speed, scalability, and high cost-effectiveness. As per the survey report by Enlyft, Laravel is most popular in the United States. The Laravel ecosystem provides powerful security features, such as checking active users, BCrypt hashing, password reset, and encryption, within the framework.

Laravel is a simple yet robust model-view-controller (MVC) framework created for PHP web application development. It became one of the most popular PHP framework thanks to the rich set of functionalities that optimize the development process. Laravel environment facilitates fast development cycles and so delivers the business value relatively quickly. The Laravel brand offers two development environments, one runs locally on your Machine and one is a pre-packaged Vagrant box that has virtually everything you need.

Development Environment:
• Laravel Valet configures the Mac to always run Nginx in the background when the machine starts. Then, using DnsMasq, Valet proxies all requests on the *. test domain to point to sites installed on the local machine.

• Laravel Homestead is the official Laravel development environment. Powered by Vagrant, Homestead gets your entire team on the same page with the latest PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, and more.

Packages and tools:
• Laravel Passport is native OAuth 2 server for Laravel apps. Like Cashier and Scout, you’ll bring it into your app with Composer. It uses the League OAuth2 Server package as a dependency but provides a simple, easy-to-learn and easy-to-implement syntax.

• Laravel Scout provides a simple, driver-based solution for adding a full-text search to the Eloquent models. Using model observers, Scout will automatically keep the search indexes in sync with the Eloquent records.

• Laravel Dusk provides an expressive, easy-to-use browser automation and testing API. Dusk is an end-to-end browser testing tool for JavaScript enabled applications. It can work with any Selenium browser, but it comes with ChromeDriver by default which will save you from installing JDK or Selenium.

• Laravel Socialite provides an expressive, fluent interface to OAuth authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

• Laravel Echo is a JavaScript library that makes it painless to subscribe to channels and listen for events broadcast by Laravel. Laravel Echo is a tool that makes it easy for you to bring the power of WebSockets to your Laravel applications.

• Laravel Mix is a tool for compiling and optimizing assets in a Laravel app. It’s similar to a build tool like gulp, Grunt and such like. it’s specific to Laravel but can also be used externally as an npm package. Laravel Mix covered 80% of Webpack’s use case to make compiling assets easier.

• Laravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe’s and Braintree’s subscription billing services. In addition to basic subscription management, Cashier can handle coupons, swapping subscription, subscription “quantities”, cancellation grace periods, and even generate invoice PDFs.

• Laravel Envoy provides you a simple and elegant way to run common tasks on your remote servers. If you have ever used Fabric, Capistrano or other tools for managing remote tasks, you already have an idea of how Envoy tasks will look like.

Paid tools and services:
• Laravel Forge is a tool for deploying and configuring web applications. It was developed by the makers of the Laravel framework, but it can be used to automate the deployment of any web application that uses a PHP server.

• Laravel Envoyer is a zero-downtime deployer for PHP & Laravel projects, which means it is a tool that you connect to your server to run your deploys, and which uses a series of tools to ensure that all of the preparation work each deploy needs in order to run.

• Laravel Spark is designed with only one goal in mind, to make scaffolding out a billing system for a SaaS app easy. It features team management, user roles, recurring billing through Stripe, and much more.

Laravel is an optimal solution not only for developing new business ideas but also for existing projects that can shift from their previous frameworks thanks to relatively low barriers to entry. Being up to date with the new tools and packages speeds up the development process, and optimizes the quality of the projects. According to the BuiltWith report, worldwide 150,496 live websites are currently using Laravel.

Do you have a project in your mind and want to do it using the Laravel web framework? Are you looking to hire Laravel developers and experts? We are here to help you out. Contact us at

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