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Request Methods in Express.js

In Express.js, the request object (req) represents the incoming HTTP request and contains all the information sent by the client, like data, headers, and parameters. It is essential part of handling web requests in an Express application. Below are five (5) examples of request methods:


This is an object in Express.js that holds route parameters. These are dynamic parts of the URL defined with a colon (:) in the route.


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It is used to access data sent by the client in the the body of an HTTP request, typically in POST, PUT, or PATCH methods. The body can contain data in JSON form or otherformats. To use it, you need a middleware like express.json() or express.urlencoded() to parsethe data.

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It is an object in Express.js that contains the query parameters sent in the URL after the question (?) symbol. Query parameters are typically used to pass data to the server in a key-value format without including it in the route or request body.

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req.method is a property in Express.js that tells you the HTTP method (such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.) used for the current request. It is useful when you want to check or handle different actions based on the type of HTTP request.

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This is an object in Express.js that contains all the HTTP request headers sent by the client. HTTP headers provide metadata about the request, such as content type, authorization tokens, user-agent, and more.

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Understanding these request methods helps developers easily work with different parts of incoming HTTP requests in Express applications. It allows them to build flexible and reliable server-side features that meet client needs.

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