DEV Community

Discussion on: Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission - VocalBridge - An AudioBook & Podcast Speech-to-Text application!

orimdominic profile image
Orim Dominic Adah

What do you mean by vague? Unclear?

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jordan_t profile image
Jordan Tingling

Yea, I couldn't figure out how exactly I was going to integrate the Deepgram's speech-to-text API into this security tool. The tool was going to be in the form of a "tile" like that "find your keys, wallet, phone" tool and the idea was that you would be able to speak with it and convert that speech-to-text and somehow lock and unlock your house, garage etc, the idea was too vague / unclear therefore I didn't go with it.

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orimdominic profile image
Orim Dominic Adah

Whoa man! You rock! You really do man!
This is aweeeesommeeee!!

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jordan_t profile image
Jordan Tingling

Thanks man! I appreciate it