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My personal page with React

Oswaldo Diaz on October 06, 2018

I've been playing for a while with React, and my experience has been pretty satisfactory so far, such, that I decided to create my own personal pag...
joshtynjala profile image
Josh Tynjala

For a more static site, consider checking out Gatsby. It's still based on React, so the development experience will be similar to what you have here. However, your content that you deploy will come pre-rendered, so users will see it faster, and it's more search engine friendly out of the box.

oswaldodiaz profile image
Oswaldo Diaz

Good tip :) I'll take a look at Gatsby

thorstenhirsch profile image
Thorsten Hirsch

When calling "yarn add" you don't need the "--save" flag. Yarn has no such flag.

oswaldodiaz profile image
Oswaldo Diaz

I didn’t know that, thank you!

tofl profile image
Tom F.

Thank you very much. I intend to learn React this month, so I think I'll read this little guide. Just a question: if I use the Express framework for NodeJS (in order to create a dynamic website), how does combining the two (React + Express) work ?

oswaldodiaz profile image
Oswaldo Diaz

I haven't work with Express before, but if I'm not mistaken you'll provide an API with express, and will consume your API from React. That's the way I'm integrating React currently but I'm using AWS Lambda functions to provide an API.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

That's all well and good, but why on earth would you build such a page with React? It makes absolutely zero sense

oswaldodiaz profile image
Oswaldo Diaz

I’m learning react and I wanted to create my personal page so it seems like a good first project to work on. But I’m curious, what do you think it’ll be more appropriate for a page like this one?

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

Since the page features almost no interactive elements (therefore requiring little, if any JS) - server side rendering (with caching) would seem a far better solution. The size of the payload being delivered to the client would be greatly reduced, pages would load faster on slow connections, and the pages would be far more accessible across the board (screen readers, web scrapers, any and every search engine, etc.). The site would also still work if the JS failed to load for whatever reason.

Using React on the client side for such a site seems a totally inappropriate application of technology

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oswaldodiaz profile image
Oswaldo Diaz

It makes a lot of sense! I'll take that in consideration for the future, thank you for your input :)

rifaimartin profile image
Rifai Martin

Do You Have Number whatsApp ?