Spring boot is the most famous java framework, and I have been looking for a simple way to serve a java app on a hosting service(not dedicated which is very expensive not AWS/Azure which are too complicated), Most shared hosting does not support java apps, they support php or asp or perl here is the table for godaddy webhosting supported tech.
I will explain how to deploy from dockerhub to Koyeb, or we can deploy from github repository too.
- Develop a SB app make sure everything works in the local.
- Run
mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=target-docker-namespace/app-name
this will generate the image of the app in the local docker. - Push the image to docker hub,
docker push <DOCKER_USERNAME>/getting-started-todo-app
or use docker desktop

- Go to koyeb dashboard and click
Create webservice
then choose docker and configure accordingly, system will generate us a subdomain where we can test, then do the dns connection and our site is online.
I spend around 2 hours until make the app work in docker image, needed to update pom xml versions and plugins, better to follow the https://start.spring.io/ which has the best pom.
At Koyeb side, while configuring the instance I changed the port to 8080, if we do not choose the port used by SB it may not work.
For now this looks like will take 5.36$ monthly. I use 1 eSmall instance
I took a screen shot just for future reference, and see how inflation affect them
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