DEV Community

Tom Harada
Tom Harada

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vim shortcuts that i find central

This is my first post. I always wanted to write a blog post about the vim key-mappings and general approaches that I use that I've found super useful over the years. I tend to make them work wherever there is vim or vim-emulation (Vimium / Chrome, VSVim / VS Code, IdeaVim / IntelliJ, XVim2 / Xcode, tmux integration, Codepen, etc.).

Till I Die:

ctrl-hjkl -> ctrl-w hjkl with tmux integration
gd -> go to definition (e.g., using ALE; i haven't cleaned this up for all languages)
ctrl-o -> jump back
ctrl-i -> jump forward
. -> repeat command
qa...q -> macros
<format on save (e.g., using prettier, black)>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Til the Sun Dies:

fd -> escape
[In System Preferences, map] caps lock -> control
; -> :
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Top comments (4)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Oh i see you have a shortcut to run python for the buffer:

nnoremap fp :VimuxRunCommand "python3 ".expand("%:p")<cr>

I have this one:

autocmd FileType python nnoremap <f5> :execute '!ipdb3 -c "break ' .line(".") . '" -c "continue" %'<cr>

That runs the script with ipdb instead with a breakpoint set at the current line. I chose F5 because it's a common "Run/Debug" shortcut in IDEs.

p10q profile image
Tom Harada

Good to know! Nice. I’ll try experimenting with that.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I'm one of those people who actually uses ; :P

p10q profile image
Tom Harada

Interesting! TIL about its default behavior. Does seem handy.

(I guess I’m used to just having hjkl move for motion with max repeat speed. But f seems more elegant if your neurons are trained that way :) )