DEV Community

Discussion on: The Web I Want

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Peter Tyldesley

Front end frameworks like React and Vue are just tools. As any good craftsman does, we pick the right tool for the job. If you have a simple blog site that you rarely update then yes, using a framework is probably overkill. There's more to the decision to use a framework or library than page load time, though. How easy is it going to be to add any majorly interactive elements without the use of a library? How about maintaining it several years later? Abstracting a lot of that stuff to a framework helps to add structure and makes maintenance, testing and adding new features much easier. Should you always use a framework? Absolutely not. Is there a need for them? Absolutely there is, you just have to know the benefits and when to use them, as opposed to just going for whatever shiny new thing is in fashion.

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Chris James

As any good craftsman does, we pick the right tool for the job.

Indeed and I would contend that a lot of people are picking the flavour of the month tool for the job most of the time

How easy is it going to be to add any majorly interactive elements without the use of a library? How about maintaining it several years later?

What exactly is it about frameworks that make them any easier to update later down the line? If anything i've seen teams spend weeks struggling to update the magnitude of dependencies etc when upgrading versions for their dumb CRUD website that never needed all of that stuff in the first place.

Abstracting a lot of that stuff to a framework helps to add structure and makes maintenance, testing and adding new features much easier

What do frameworks abstract that needs abstracting?

In respect to testing, if they are so good how come so many frameworks require their own specialised testing libraries in order to test them - which is yet another thing on the pile of things to learn and maintain.