DEV Community

Hari Bantwal
Hari Bantwal

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Tool Selection: Option of Many vis-a-vis Problem of Many

While having a programmable Infrastructure would assist in the adoption of a Dynamic environment for Cloud Offerings/SaaS, such an undertaking is possible with a variety of open-source/service tools. Below are the list of such tools which covers mostly both end of the spectrum.

The major hurdle to pass for all in the journey is "Problem of Many" by experimenting for a purpose, selecting from many, harnassing its value and adapting ...

Identity and Access Management

  1. Ory Kratos
    Authn and Authz: IDP Broker, User Management, Group Management

  2. Zitadel
    Authn and Authz: IDP Broker, User Management, Group Management

  3. Evolveum Midpoint
    Identity Governance

  4. Aesir Kstone
    Authn and Authz: Hierarchical template based User

  5. One Identity PAM/PSM
    Authn and Authz: Privileged Access/Password Management

Information Security

  1. Brinqa
    Vulnerability Management:

  2. Tenable
    Vulnerability Management:

  3. Sapora
    Identity Risk Management:

  4. Cloudflare
    Internet Access and DNS: Application Firewall, CDN, Proxy

  5. Splunk
    Security Information and Event Management

  6. Adaptive Shield
    SaaS Security Posture Management: Tool to Assess and Manage Security Posture of multliple SaaS solution

  7. Bolodon James Classifier
    Classification: Classification of Application and Messages, Emails ...

  8. Proofpoint
    Threat Management

  9. Trellix McAfee Data Security
    Data Loss Protection

  10. Prisma Cloud Palo Alto
    Security Posture Management

  11. Trufflehog
    Secrets Management

  12. Thinkst Canary
    Instrusion Detetection

  13. Tuffin Security Track
    Hybrid Cloud Network Security

  14. Netscout Arbor
    DDOS Protection


  1. PagerDuty
    Operation Platform:

  2. Apache Superset
    Data Exploration and Visualization

  3. Prometheus
    System Monitoring

  4. Grafana
    Observability Platform

  5. CloudQuery
    Monitoring Cloud Infrastructure


  1. Terraform
    Cloud Infrastructure Provision

  2. Gitlab
    DevOps Platform and Source Control

  3. Github
    DevOps Platform and Source Control

  4. Backtstage
    Developer Portal Platform

  5. Tekton
    Cloud Native CI/CD for Kubernetes artifacts

  6. Kubevela
    Hybrid Cloud Software Delivery Platform

  7. ArgoCD
    **GitOps Kubernetes Software delivery Platform

  8. Windmill
    Developer Platform for APIs, Workflows and Quick UIs

  9. Supabase
    Developer Platform with state of art Database, Authentication, storage, Edge, Vector capabilities

Instant API Platform

Tech agnostic Workload definition

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