DEV Community

Kevan Y
Kevan Y

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Release 0.3 - Part 3 Code review

For release 0.3, I have to review 2 Pull requests of any internal repo.

First review

Issue 26- auditing and fixing, I reviewed the code and notice that some parts are missing, for VALIDATION sample of code, the output is missing. I put a comment and kindly ask Andre to add the missing output. After that I notice there is a lot of console errors see, again I kindly ask Andre to add the missing output.

After all those changes done it was ready to be merged.

Second review

Added higher resolution icons, I reviewed the code, everything looks good. I suggested him to update the manifest.json and docusaurus.config.js.

After all those changes done it was ready to be merged.


Reviewing code is something good to do. It helps to see the different ways other people implement a feature or fix a bug and learn from it. It also helps to improve the code quality of the project.

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