Hello, I'm on a project and I'm having trouble with images and using Simple-React-Lightbox https://simple-react-lightbox.dev. I designed components for a services page whose data comes from a json file. I created a Services component in which I requested images and made a .map () in which I passed all the properties. The thumbnails images just show up, but when I open the Lightbox the first one is ok including the descriptive text, but the following photos are unfortunately incorrect. I feel lost and really need help quickly.
Here is my gitHub repository: https://github.com/Pataco80/capriati-peinture.git
The site on netlify at the following address: https://capriati-peinture.netlify.app/
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
P.S. The site is in French and I hope google translate will do the trick.
Thanks again.
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