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Discussion on: Deno vs Node | Is Node.js Dead? Future of Deno 2021?

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Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

I do use TypeScript in server-side, as well as client-side browserify, so I do care about security.

However, commonjs is everywhere; even for

  • some browser-enabled modules, e.g. js-yaml
  • Most web framework CLI bootstrapping tools; React, React Native, Angular, Vue
  • Web bundling tools

This idea might increase adoption --

How to use npm module in DENO?


Deno is super cool. I saw it in the morning and want to migrate to deno now. I was trying to move my existing nodejs script to deno. Can any one help me on how to use npm modules in deno. I need esprima module. This one has the package…

I am trying to ask PNPM (which uses global node_modules store) maintainer on this as well.