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Discussion on: I used to think TypeScript is a waste of time. Now I changed my mind.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

What TypeScript does for me is Type Hinting. Using JavaScript, in many cases, is like walking in the dark, unless the author is kind enough to write a JSDoc for me.

When I use JavaScript, I write a lot of JSDoc as well. Even though it is not as strong and easy as TypeScript.

Also, it seems to me that TypeScript tries to break compatibility with JSDoc, at least in VSCode. Must be a hidden plot of Microsoft.

bettercodingacademy profile image
Better Coding Academy

VSCode has surprisingly good type hinting for Vanilla JavaScript as well, and I'm optimistic that it is going to improve!

mateiadrielrafael profile image
Matei Adriel

The type hinting in vscode for vanilla js uses the ts language server under the hood