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Abhinav Pathak
Abhinav Pathak

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10 Simple & Effective tips to master JavaScript

Do you want to get into web development? Or perhaps you’re fascinated with code and software? If so then JavaScript is a good choice for you.

Why JavaScript?

Javascript is the scripting language of the internet and one of the most essential web technologies along with HTML and CSS. It’s a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. In more simplistic terms, it’s what allows you to implement and display complex things on your webpage, to create content, to animate images and tons of other amazing possibilities with just a few lines of code.

There’re plenty of reasons to learn this wonderful programming language. The most important one is the fact that JavaScript runs everything and everywhere. Most of the prominent websites are built on the backbone of JavaScript while currently there are more than 3 billion devices be it Smartphones or desktops. JavaScript went through a massive surge of popularity and quickly become the most dominant language in the world of software. In light of this, it’s obvious that Javascript skills are in high demand by companies everywhere. Currently, the average salary for JavaScript developer is $95,981 in the US. For all these reasons and more, it’s lucrative to have JavaScript skills on your resume.

Currently, the average salary for JavaScript developer is $95,981.

Why is it challenging?

Learning JavaScript is easier said than done. Newcomers often run into similar kinds of problems such as difficulties in understanding confusing concepts. Not only that, but JavaScript also has an ever-changing tooling landscape one that makes it even far more grueling to understand. It’s hard to find the motivation to complete a demanding task such as this. JavaScript is also a vigorously un-typed language which means that the same thing in one code can easily mean something different depending on the context and medium. It also is extremely hard to debug due to a non-existent support system for different classes.

Tips for JavaScript Beginner

So the question is how to learn JavaScript? Similar to every complicated thing in life, you can learn JavaScript coding through constant practice and by never giving up. To help you in this task, we have written down the best way of learning this skill just for you! Try to follow these tips to enhance your learning experience.

1. Right attitude

The first thing you need to do is to go with the right attitude to learn JavaScript. Learning JavaScript is going to become needlessly more bothersome if you approach it with the wrong mindset. Trying to learn it with an “I need to get this over” mindset is not going to take you anywhere. It’s a huge struggle to face and you truly have to be passionate about code to learn it. Not only that, you need to remind yourself to have fun with what you’re learning as JavaScript code is capable of astonishing things once you get the hang of it.

2. Start Slowly

A mistake many beginners make is that they directly start working on frameworks such as jQuery, AngularJS, Backbone, etc. You should never do it. Instead, you should start working on DataTypes and in-built methods. You can also learn a lot from the Mozilla Developer Network, which is a great place for you to start. After getting enough of the fundamentals, you can try NodeJS. Trust me, NodeJS is very simple, just a JavaScript code backed up with inbuilt libraries. Then, you can try frameworks.

3. Find the perfect editor for JavaScript

You can’t code without a text editor. Fortunately, you have tons of options to choose from. To write JavaScript code, you can either use your Windows notepad or even download programs such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code. Either way, after going through all possible editors, choose the one that you’re most comfortable to work on as this is where you’ll be spending most of your time. Also when you’re starting out, it’s essential to choose an editor that has a simplistic interface and will support you as a beginner.

4. JavaScript Tutorials!

If you search the web for JavaScript tutorials, there are a vast number of tutorials available online on sites such as CodeAcademy, FreeCodeCamp, etc. If you’re a beginner then you should start from beginner level JavaScript tutorials and then move on to intermediate and advanced level. Tutorials are like doing grammar exercises and the sites with JavaScript tutorials are ideal for learning the basics and getting used to the syntax. Learning JavaScript is no different than learning French or Spanish. It takes time.

5. Look out for JavaScript Resources

The internet has millions of sources available for you to use. Take “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide” by David Flanagan. It’s a book that has been forever considered a bible for JavaScript programmers across the world. In it is a comprehensive guide that is well-organized and detailed for new programmers to learn and old programmers to revise. Another book that you can read is “You Don’t Know JS: Up and Going” by Kyle Simpson which provides the necessary background for those with limited knowledge about programming. The entire series introduces more complex and harder parts of the JavaScript language as you read on one book at a time. Furthermore, there are tons of articles, blog posts and even YouTube videos available for reference. Don’t waste these valuable resources!

6. Do not rush! Go step by step

I know it’s tempting to move on immediately once you understand a concept, but don’t! Instead, play with what you have learned, get comfortable and even combine it with the previous lessons. Start from beginner’s level and cover all the topics from tutorials, check resources, implement what you have learned and when you are finally confident of your beginner level skills, then move on to the intermediate level and after that, to advance level. By limiting the learning content and keeping in touch with the previous lessons, you’ll be able to retain the material in your head and find it easier to remember key concepts. The process seems long for sure but it actually takes far less time since you don’t have to keep revising and is actually quite fun. There’s really nothing that you cannot do with JavaScript in regards to web development.

7. Start Ajax and Async after getting a hang of the basics

After you have spent quite a lot of time on JavaScript, start working on Ajax and Async concepts. Learn how to use different functions on JavaScript and use classes as well. All of these things take quite a lot of time to master but trust me; all your hard work will surely be rewarded.

8. Challenge yourself! Explore JavaScript and learn

When it comes to learning JavaScript, there is always something you can learn as it is a never-ending process. A lot of people end up never improving their JavaScript coding by spending too much time only doing what they are confident about. Make sure that you’re not one of them. Every time you finish a lesson, ask yourself if you have learned something you didn’t know before. That is the key to success. Be mindful of what you want to learn or improve your knowledge of. Make sure that you’re challenging yourself and growing as a developer instead of conforming to a single comfort zone.

9. Keep experimenting & Interact with veterans

Find and make your own way to solve problems related to JavaScript. Keep experimenting with the problems and what you have learned so far. Also, do interact with the veterans as the large community lead to more support and help you’ll be able to receive. Fortunately, JavaScript has one of the largest internet communities that is all about giving and receiving help and exploring the world of JavaScript. Take advantage of that! Meet up with the experts to not only motivate yourself to study but to learn as well. You might even be offered a mentorship! By being a part of a community, you’ll also be able to keep up to date with new, innovative tools!

10. Keep yourself up to date and be prepared

JavaScript isn’t an easy skill to learn. If it was, it wouldn’t be held with the same reverence as it is in the labor market now. You need to understand the fact that learning JavaScript would require a huge amount of time and dedication. It’s not going to be an easy road. Not only is JavaScript already a complex and intricate skill to master, but it is also a growing field which would require you to stay updated with the new web development practices. Prepare yourself that it’s going to consume a majority of your time. Be patient too. You’re not going to learn JavaScript in a month and maybe not even in a year. All the time spent is going to be grilling, demanding but remember that it will also be completely worth the trouble.

Learning JavaScript is constant work and quite difficult but with the right attitude and determination, learning it can be an extremely satisfying experience. All you need is passion and a hunger to learn. Hopefully, with the above-mentioned tips, as well as the other brilliant and detailed materials available online, you’ll be able to grasp JavaScript as quickly as possible while also having a great enjoyable ride. Good Luck!

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