DEV Community

Pau Garcia
Pau Garcia

Posted on

Customize zsh

For this, we are going to use zsh4humans

So firts, we are going to installit a nerd font and enabling it in the system for having icons in our terminal
Personally, i like:

  • Hack Nerd Fonts
  • Ubuntu Nerd Font

Then, we are going to install zsh4humans using:

if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  sh -c "$(wget -O-"
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Then, we only need to follow the installation

As we want to change from bash to zsh, we should change the main shell in our computer, se we should type this:

chsh -s $(which zsh)
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If in the future we want to change back to bash, we should change zsh to bash in the command:

chsh -s $(which bash)
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Finally, we are going to install logo-lsfor enabling icons when we do ls command

So, pase this command in the shell:

wget -q
tar zxvf logo-ls_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
cd logo-ls_Linux_x86_64/
sudo install -v logo-ls /usr/local/bin/
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Then, edit the ~/.zshrc for create an alias for ls

nvim ~/.zshrc
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alias ls = 'logo-ls'
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Then, save the changes using:

source ~/.zshrc
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or using

exec zsh
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If in some moment, you want to change to another theme of z4h, you can type the next command:

p10k configure
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