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Paul Imoke
Paul Imoke

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HNGi8 - At the End of 8 Weeks

HNG Internship

Week 1

Everyone deals with growth and change, change can be for the better or for worse, and it comes even when it is loathed. This constant phenomenon helps reinforce the peculiarity that the future has, as not being easily predictable.
But all is not lost as Abraham Lincoln is quoted to have said “The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it”.
We may not know what the future has planned for us, but we can definitely plan for the future we want.
Hence where the HNG Internship comes in. Find out more Here.
This internship involves intense exercises (no, not push-ups) and fast paced challenges that aim at leveling up your current skills to industry standard, which means you must have “current skills” first, so you do not get overwhelmed.

Branching out for a bit, here are a couple of skills needed and some resources to help get you started:

  1. Figma: This is an online tool used to design applications, websites, etc.
    Learn more about Figma here

  2. Git: a tool for tracking the changes you make to files, so you have a record of what has been done, and you can revert to specific ‘versions’ if you need to.
    Get more Information about Git here

  3. HTML: one of the major tools used for building a website.
    Get Started with HTML here.

  4. Flutter: This is Google’s Software Development Kit that allows developers to build really performant apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices with a single codebase.
    Join the cool kids here😎.

Getting familiar with these tools can help you build cool apps such as,, etc.

So, back to the main branch (pun intended, ignore my bad jokes😅)
My major goal during this internship is to elevate my current skill level up to a point where I consider it industry standard, and the T-Shirt would be part of the proof😁.

Milestones set for the internship include:

  • Conquer Imposter Syndrome
  • Meet a weird bug
  • Improve collaboration skills
  • Build an industry standard app
  • Publish the app to the Play Store
  • Overcome all given challenges
  • Get the symbolic T-shirt

That's all for now, See you At the End of 8 Weeks👋.

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