DEV Community

Discussion on: You don’t need React for building websites

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Paul Lee

Can't agree anymore. It is quite funny that in 2021, there are still people thinking that writing vanilla code like PHP without Laravel, JavaScript without React.JS, React.JS without Next.JS is not really feasible for long run. The main reason of developing a web app is for its portability not really for its simplicity.

Yes agreed that every new developer should learn the fundamental of how a Web application (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) is running on a web browser. But bear in mind, in the end of the day, the application has to be maintainable in the long run if it is going to scale up on business wise or on architectural wise.

For example, ok let say a business start with a simple website showing that he is selling bicycle a simple web portal build in Vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript, yes developer is super quick. After 2 months, there are new requirements coming in, the customer of the business requires e-commerce functionality from the website, yes the development team can continue to build it using vanilla HTML, CSS and JS for its cart and checkout functionalities. Another 2 months later, if the business requirement requires extension of functionality of cart function on let say adding B2B functionality for bulk purchases, RFQ function, bicycle stickers customisation features etc, is pure HTML, CSS and JS capable? Yes capable, how long does these development needs without any framework or any library? Business requirement will just be getting heavier and heavier.

We use React / Vue / Angular and many other more not because we can't type Vanilla JavaScript, it's because these frameworks are already a set of development toolkit to enhance the development experience, improve the robustness, simplicity of including the broad library of NPM, improve the maintainability for the real world development scenarios, etc.

So the reason of choosing vanilla HTML/CSS/JS for web-dev over frameworks/libraries is purely outdated.