DEV Community

Pavithra Saravanan
Pavithra Saravanan

Posted on

Task 2(28/12)

Task 2:

  1. Create a class called 'Shop'
  2. Create below static variables: static int doorNo = 5; static int discount = 10; 2.1. Create below non-static variables int price, weight;
  3. Create main method.
  4. Inside main method, create instance as below Shop product1 = new Shop(); Shop product2 = new Shop();
  5. Using product1, assign price and weight.
  6. Using product2, assign price and weight.
  7. Call a non-static method as below. product1.bill(); product2.bill();
  8. Save, Compile and fix the error.
  9. Inside bill() method, print price and weight.
  10. Inside main method and inside bill() method, print doorNo and discount
public class Shop
static int doorNo = 5;
static int discount = 10;
int price,weight;
public static void main(String[] args)
Shop product1 = new Shop();
Shop product2 = new Shop();
product1.price = 550;
product1.weight = 1000;
product2.price = 150;
product2.weight = 50;
System.out.println("Doorno:"+doorNo+ " Discount:"+discount);
public void bill()

System.out.println("Price:"+price+ " Weight:"+weight);
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