DEV Community

Pavel Belokon
Pavel Belokon

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Contributting to a bigger backtoberfest project

For my third pull request (PR), I wanted to increase my contributions to a larger project without necessarily increasing the amount of work I do. The project I thought about after exploring numerous repositories was Intel's cve-bin-tool. Since I've been using Intel's compiler extensively over the past month, I immediately wanted to contribute to an Intel project because I really enjoy their products and their great community.

I chose an issue that required me to analyze a functions and write a docstrings for them. To be honest, it was more challenging to come up with the docstring than to understand the functions since all of them are well-written and structured, which makes them easier to comprehend. You can find the link to the issue here. To do a better job, I followed the guidelines provided by the issue owner. You can view my pull request here.

I've learned a lot throughout the process of making three PRs. There were ups and downs, but I'm looking forward to my fourth PR, which I will be working on this week.

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