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4 Ways to Improve your Code Readability

Let's be honest – we've all been there. You open up some code you wrote three months ago, and it looks like a completely different person wrote it. Or worse, you're going through someone else's code, and it's like trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics.

Code readability isn't just about making things look pretty. It's about making your future self (and your teammates) not want to bang their heads against the wall when maintaining your code.

After coding for a while, I've learned that readable code isn't just nice to have – it's essential for long-term project success.

In this post, I'll share four practical ways to make your code more readable.

Meaningful Variable and Function Names

Let me guess - you've seen code with variables like x, temp, or the infamous data? Yeah, we need to talk about that.

Choosing meaningful names for your variables and functions is like leaving a clear trail of breadcrumbs through your code. Good names tell a story about what your code does without needing to dig into the implementation details.

Here's what good naming looks like in practice:

// Bad naming
const x = users.filter(u => u.s === 1);

// Good naming
const activeUsers = users.filter(user => user.status === 'active');

// Bad naming
function calc(a, b) {
    return a + b;

// Good naming
function calculateTotalPrice(basePrice, taxAmount) {
    return basePrice + taxAmount;
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The key is to make your code self-documenting. When someone reads calculateTotalPrice(basePrice, taxAmount), they immediately know what's happening without needing to look at the function's implementation.

Quick tips for better naming:

  • Use verbs for functions (calculate, get, update, validate)
  • Use nouns for variables (user, priceList, orderTotal)
  • Avoid abbreviations unless they're universally known
  • Be specific: firstName is better than name
  • Keep names concise but descriptive

Remember: The few extra seconds you spend thinking about good names will save hours of confusion later.

Consistent Code Formatting

Look, no one wants to admit it, but we all secretly judge code by how it looks. And you know what? We should! Consistent formatting isn't about being picky – it's about making your code scannable and predictable.

The best part? You don't even need to think about this anymore. Let some tools do the heavy lifting:

// Messy, inconsistent formatting
function calculateTotal(items){
if(items.length===0)return 0;
const total=items.reduce((sum,item)=>
  return total;

// Clean, consistent formatting
function calculateTotal(items) {
    if (items.length === 0) {
        return 0;

    const total = items.reduce((sum, item) => {
        return sum + item.price;
    }, 0);

    return total;
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Here's what actually matters:

  • Pick a consistent indentation (spaces or tabs - but please, pick one)
  • Add spacing around operators (x + y, not x+y)
  • Use consistent line breaks between logical blocks
  • Keep your line length reasonable (80-120 characters)
  • Use proper block spacing for readability

Pro tip: Set up Prettier, ESLint, or your language's equivalent. Let it format your code automatically on save.

Consistent formatting isn't about being pretty – it's about making your code easier to scan and understand at a glance.

Strategic Comments and Documentation

Let's be real - comments can be tricky. Bad comments just add noise. Good comments can save someone hours of head-scratching (and that someone might be you in future, believe me).

Keep this in mind; your code should explain what it does. Your comments should explain why.

// Bad comment - explains what the code does
// Loop through users and check their status
users.forEach(user => checkUserStatus(user));

// Good comment - explains the why
// We check active users hourly to comply with GDPR requirements
users.forEach(user => checkUserStatus(user));

// Good comment - explains complex business logic
// Orders over $100 get 10% off, unless they're using another promotion
function calculateDiscount(orderTotal, hasPromoCode) {
    if (orderTotal > 100 && !hasPromoCode) {
        return orderTotal * 0.1;
    return 0;
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When to comment:

  • Complex business logic that isn't obvious from the code
  • Workarounds for bugs or browser quirks
  • Why you chose one approach over another
  • API documentation for public functions
  • Warning about edge cases or potential gotchas

When not to comment:

  • Obvious code that speaks for itself
  • To explain poorly written code (just rewrite it)
  • When you can make the code clearer instead
  • Commented-out code (that's what version control is for)

"Remember:* The best code is self-documenting, but strategic comments can make good code even better.

Breaking Down Complex Functions

Long, complex functions are like that drawer in your kitchen – stuff everything in there, and soon you can't find anything. Let's fix that.

The key is breaking down complex functions into smaller, focused pieces. Each function should do one thing and do it well.

// Complex, hard-to-follow function
function processOrder(order) {
    // 30+ lines of code doing multiple things
    const items = order.items;
    let total = 0;
    let taxAmount = 0;
    let shippingCost = 0;

    items.forEach(item => {
        if (item.inStock) {
            total += item.price * item.quantity;
            taxAmount += item.price * item.quantity * 0.2;

    if (total > 100) {
        shippingCost = 0;
    } else {
        shippingCost = 10;

    return { total, taxAmount, shippingCost };

// Better: Break it down into focused functions
function processOrder(order) {
    const subtotal = calculateSubtotal(order.items);
    const taxAmount = calculateTax(subtotal);
    const shippingCost = calculateShipping(subtotal);

    return { 
        total: subtotal, 

function calculateSubtotal(items) {
    return items
        .filter(item => item.inStock)
        .reduce((sum, item) => sum + (item.price * item.quantity), 0);

function calculateTax(subtotal) {
    const TAX_RATE = 0.2;
    return subtotal * TAX_RATE;

function calculateShipping(subtotal) {
    return subtotal > FREE_SHIPPING_THRESHOLD ? 0 : 10;
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Quick tips:

  • Keep functions under 20 lines when possible
  • Each function should have a single responsibility
  • Extract reusable logic into separate functions
  • Use clear function names that describe their purpose
  • Return early to avoid nested if statements

The goal isn't to have fewer lines of code – it's to have code that's easier to understand and maintain.

The Bottom Line

Writing readable code isn't rocket science, but it does take intention. These four practices – meaningful names, consistent formatting, strategic comments, and breaking down complex functions – aren't just coding guidelines. They're investments in your sanity and your team's productivity.

Start small. Pick one of these practices and apply it in your next PR. Your future self (and your teammates) will thank you.

🐦If you like this article, please don't forget to share and follow me on @peboydcoder for more practical coding tips and many more things!

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