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Discussion on: Typescript can be confusing

peerreynders profile image
> ['1', '4294967295', '10'].map(x=>~~+x)
(3) [1, -1, 10]
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Bitwise NOT (~):

The operands are converted to 32-bit integers and expressed by a series of bits (zeroes and ones). Numbers with more than 32 bits get their most significant bits discarded.

Unsigned right shift (>>>):

Unlike the other bitwise operators, zero-fill right shift returns an unsigned 32-bit integer.

Know the limitations of your tools.

Integers and shift operators in JavaScript

> ['1.1', '9007199254740991.6', '10.9'].map(n => parseInt(n))
(3) [1, 9007199254740991, 10]
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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

I know all that, but for the purposes of a simple string -> integer parser, this works just fine