DEV Community

Peter Witham
Peter Witham

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I love helping new developers

There, I said it.

I love spending time helping and taking the journey with new developers. I'll never understand why so many seasoned 'pros' complain about having to show new developers things.

To me, it's time well spent helping someone get started. And having fun along the way celebrating that excitement and sense of adventure that we all had when we first started the journey.

If I can help someone avoid some of the pitfalls I made along the way then even better, others should be able to learn from the pain and frustration I suffered. If it wasn't for folks helping me out, I might never of made it.

So in many ways, I owe the pay it forward and do so with joy and a passion to get the next generation on the path to success.

Just a Sunday thought, thanks for reading.

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