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MicroPython 101 IoT Basics

Philip John Basile on June 19, 2023

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library...
spo0q profile image

so cool!

Is the project still in beta?

philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

MicroPython offers a complete implementation of Python 3.4 and includes significant aspects of Python 3.5. However, it doesn't incorporate every feature introduced from Python 3.5 onwards. That said, it does adopt some fresh syntax from Python 3.6 and specific features from subsequent versions like 3.8 (assignment expressions) and 3.9. It also encompasses a selection of the standard library.

spo0q profile image

🤖 It seems it's used in production, but I was not sure, hence my question. Thanks @andypiper !

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philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

thanks @andypiper! Have you worked with it?

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andypiper profile image
Andy Piper

I don't use it in production myself, I'm a hobbyist and I do use it in my workshop - however folks who are part of the Melbourne MicroPython Meetup and MicroPython Discord that are available to participate in online, absolutely do use MicroPython in production.

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philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

Ahh another discord to join! Thank you :) Build anything cool with it? Tie it together with something 3d printed?

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andypiper profile image
Andy Piper

yes, exactly that - I have it managing lighting for inside my Bambu X1 Carbon, progress light indicator for prints in a case on my desk, keypads, small robots, etc.

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philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

hey ! have a Bambu X1 Carbon too! I have two ams's as well. I love love love it. My kids and their friends are always "putting orders in".

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper

Definitely not in beta, it is being used in production in many places!

philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

know of any specifics items?

andypiper profile image
Andy Piper

A couple of important tools you've missed out here are mpremote (the official command line tool for interacting with devices) and mip (the MicroPython equivalent to pip). Good post though!

philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

Oh true!! Thanks for adding that! I’ll probably add it in

ganonbit profile image
Andrew Reese

Very informative, thanks for this ✌🏼

philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

aww you're welcome! It was fun going from zero to 101.

ganonbit profile image
Andrew Reese

For sure, I knew some of the similar knowledge from using arduino ide, but it’s nice to see it broken down in a programming language I’m already familiar with from my software engineering career, python 🤘🏼

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philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

It's not perfect but if you know Python then it is.