DEV Community

Wrap it up: Being a Good Citizen of Open Source by #devDiscuss

Philly on January 08, 2018

A recent episode of #devDiscuss on Twitter about open source caught my attention in a tick! The question about what you should know about being a ...
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Douglas McKechie • Edited

Nice article, great advice.

Recently I came across an issue on Github which shocked (and slightly humoured) me (warning contains some swearing) - wow, perfect example of how not to go about this.

The interesting thing is the solution to the css issue does fix the problem. If only the person raising the issue had contributed in a friendly manner.

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Yep yep, thanks for this. I didn't read on through the whole project, but the revealed behavior within this issue is a good example for ... well, how you should not behave.

Being a 'twerp' (ehm, may I say that?! 😄 ) won't help any project, issue, bug (...).

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... and writing this article already paid off. 🙂 😄