DEV Community

Discussion on: Repo Recap from the Past Three Weeks

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Eugene Cheah • Edited

Thanks for the shout out! 😊

Shall shamelessly addin my pull request that finally got merge (woohoo!) - that follows up on the previously merged timber log changes.

[WIP] Feature : script + docker container build #1844

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  • [ ] Refactor
  • [x] Feature
  • [ ] Bug Fix
  • [ ] Documentation Update


A single bash script that helps quickly setup either a DEV or DEMO environment

bash-3.2$ ./ 
# This script will perform the following steps ... 
# 1) Stop and remove any docker container with the name 'dev-to-postgres' and 'dev-to'
# 2) Reset any storage directories if RUN_MODE starts with 'RESET-'
# 3) Build the docker image, with the name of 'dev-to:dev' or 'dev-to:demo'
# 4) Deploy the postgres container, mounting '_docker-storage/postgres' with the name 'dev-to-postgres'
# 5) Deploy the dev-to container, with the name of 'dev-to-app', and sets up its port to 3000
# To run this script properly, execute with the following (inside the repository folder)...
# './ [RUN_MODE] [Additional docker envrionment arguments]'
# Alternatively to run this script in 'interactive mode' simply run
# RUN_MODE can either be the following
# - 'DEV'  : Start up the container into bash, with a quick start guide
# - 'DEMO' : Start up the container, and run (requries ALGOLIA environment variables)
# - 'RESET-DEV'   : Resets postgresql and upload data directory for a clean deployment, before running as DEV mode
# - 'RESET-DEMO'  : Resets postgresql and upload data directory for a clean deployment, before running as DEMO mode
# - 'INTERACTIVE-DEMO' : Runs this script in 'interactive' mode to setup the 'DEMO'
# So for example to run a development container in bash its simply
# './ DEV'
# To run a simple demo, with some dummy data (replace <?> with the actual keys)
# Finally to run a working demo, you will need to provide either...
# './ .... -e GITHUB_KEY=<?> -e GITHUB_SECRET=<?> -e GITHUB_TOKEN=<?>
# And / Or ...
# Note that all of this can also be configured via ENVIRONMENT variables prior to running the script

And does the deployment using docker. Includes option to do a reset prior to deployment.

Optional contextual information provided here :

Added to documentation?

What gif best describes this PR

quick demo

What gif best describes how it makes you feel?

how i feel

And the article explaining its context