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Michel Watt
Michel Watt

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Relations between SEO - Search Engine Optimization and AI - Artificial Intelligence

I. Introduction

Now-a-days Artificial intelligence has been applied into various areas of human daily life today. It is used in education, health, investment, court purpose, cyber security and transportation. Artificial intelligence has been useful for people to obtain reliable and their required information on the Internet through optimization on search engines.

Results of 2017 SEO Proficiency in Marketing Survey showed that 96% SEO experts states that SEO strategy can benefit more if associated with AI, 73% agreed that AI can analyze the data for SEO needs, 61% said that AI can help locate anomalies in their SEO strategy and fix it, 58% believe that AI allows their SEO strategy to beat its competitors, 49% even think that AI can beat Google Rank Brain technology, and 41% considered that AI eliminates the need for exact phrases as keywords.

To get trained in the SEO - Search engine optimization field you have to get complete knowledge and understanding of the whole SEO part. From very basics to advanced level in the current situation like how to use AI - Artificial Intelligence in the SEO also. There are number of companies and individuals are offering SEO Training Course Online or the SEO Training.

AI and SEO: How Related

SEO is a set of techniques and practices that enable a site to get more traffic from search engines. This is done by raising a key word or phrase in search engines rankings. SEO is generally done by the site owners that modify the characteristics of site so that it may be received by the search engine algorithms.

The AI isn‟t always based on a static method, alternatively it‟s a constantly evolving machine designed to classify, categorize and present the data that is most possible to meet the requirements of customers at that unique time. The skills of AI will significantly enhance the future of SEO beyond simple keyword phrases.
In the following four ways AI improvements will affect SEO:

  1. Increasing importance of SEO optimization for visual content
  2. More emphasis on content quality, relevance, and focus
  3. A more selective approach to link building
  4. Going beyond web optimization only with mobile and voice search

Use SEO Tools/Software

A number of free/paid tools finds on-page problems and resolve them, allow you to analyze your competitor‟s website, identify opportunities for growth, improve your keyword list, tracking and analysis of your traffic report. This type of tools provides robustness services. Some basic SEO tools used are:

SEO Power Suite:

A complete SEO software solution like SEO PowerSuite will ensure that you are getting quality links and optimizing your website, and will protect your site from the penalties and algorithm changes that the AI may perform. SEO Power Suite is a tool that will help you stick to the guidelines, to not get bad links and to help you quickly audit your site for problems, monitor your keyword rankings and keep an eye on your competitors to see if you can get their best links.

IV. Use of AI in SEO

Digital Marketing

AI is utilized in digital marketing to collect data on ads targeting, to decide the relevancy of content, to perceive customer segments for cross-selling, for streamlining ads campaigns and evaluating which emotional values have the maximum effect on their targeted market.


Develop Poloidal, a trust-based search engine algorithms that exploit the behavior of the network users, as well as a social network based on trust and holonic system for social security and privacy [7]. Poloidal developed with the principles of swarm intelligence that mimics the behavior of colonies of insects in a collaborative community. Poloidal use swarm intelligence to achieve collective intelligence of social networks. Poloidal is claimed to accelerate in links evaluation, an evaluation of links coming from other pages, from a matter of months to just a matter of minutes, depending on network activity.

V. Conclusion

Use of artificial intelligence in SEO is affected by different criteria used in selecting the site by search engines as well as the confidentiality of the algorithm used by SEO companies. However, a number of efforts have been made to apply artificial intelligence in SEO also in various ways.

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