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Discussion on: Reflecting On One Year of Remote Work

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Riccardo Bernardini

I work at a University and remote working is quite natural for me. Since I do research in signal processing, I have no need of a lab; paper, pen and PC with a connection suffice for most of my needs. Of course, I have teaching period and faculty meetings that require my physical presence, but otherwise I can work at home.

I agree with what you write. I have a small "studio" with my PC and I mostly work in there (although every now and then I feel the need for a more comfortable coach). When I feel the need for a break I go to the kitchen to have a coffee or a fruit, I always have my lunch in the kitchen, I never had the idea of eating at my desk.

I notice that usually I am much productive at home, I really do not know why. It is not that I am constantly interrupted at work or it is a noisy environment or something, but I am able to concentrate more at home. Maybe is it just the familiar environment?