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Adewumi Emmanuel Femi
Adewumi Emmanuel Femi

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Classes Under the Hood

Ever heard the phrase, "in software engineering, everything is an object"? Well, we are going to delve into three major things: How classes in javascript work under the hood, what classes are built on and also the fact that a class is a function basically.

In order to understand how classes work under the hood, we need to touch on two concept in javascript: prototypal inheritance and constructor function.

Constructor Function

When you create a class, you are basically creating a function. This type of function is called a constructor function and it is always initialized with the keyword 'new.' It is a convention in Javascript to start a constructor function with a capital letter.
How to create a constructor function

The (*) represents the creation of the constructor function, (**) represents how to create an object from the constructor function. The line (***) creates an object from the construction function using an inbuilt property 'constructor' (I don't think Ostriches are blue thou). Whenever you create a class you are creating a constructor function.

Prototypal Inheritance

let Animal = { 
  breath: true,
  walk() {
    Alert("All Animal's walk");

let Bird = {
  __proto__: Animal, (*) // Bird becomes a prototype of Animal
  fly: true,

alert(Bird.walk()) (**) // All Animal's walk
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All objects have a property called [[prototype]] this is referenced or called when __proto__ is set on the Bird object to Animal. The line (*) signifies I am inheriting or I am a prototype of Animal; therefore I have access to everything inside the Animal object. The __proto__ can go as deep as possible but an object may not inherit from two at a time i.e you can only inherit from one other object.

How does the above tie into classes and how classes work? Well, when you create a class you create a constructor function and when your class has a constructor you are using the constructor property under the hood.

To sum it all up

Class User{
   constructor(name, age){ = name;
      this.age = age;
const user = new User("David" "2")

function User(name, age){ // This is equivalent to creating a class User = name;
   this.age = age;
const user = new User()
const user1 = new user.constructor("David" "2") // This is what the User class constructor above calls under the hood
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class Animal{
    Alert("All Animal's walk")
class Bird extends Animal{ // When you extend animal or you inherit from the Animal class, a __proto__ object property in Bird is created and it refrences Animal
  __proto__: Animal
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