So you're a front end developer, and you want to learn some backend stuff. You want to become a full stack developer someday, so where do you start...
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Hello Jeremy, I wanted to say good things about the article, it contains good aspects but as others said, it lacks research...and can lead developers to bad decisions, e.g.
martini (deprecated)
with 11k stars and thegorilla/mux
with 12.5k stars but you ignored kataras/iris that Go developers support and trust with 18.8k stars and hundreds of feature requests(!), despite the fight against it when it was initially published. It shaked the Go community to think deeper and see what a tool like that can offer, nowadays many frameworks follows the Iris API and copy its features.Please do research of issues, stars, community, google trendings and e.t.c. before publishing an article like that.
Gerasimos Maropoulos. Author of Iris
I didn't "Ignore" Iris, I have never heard of it. I will check it out.
I listed the frameworks I have used and am familiar with. And Martini is no longer being maintained, but there are still many people using it, and it's worth looking at to learn from.
Hey Makis,
I just wanted to say great job with Iris!
I wish I knew it earlier before I used echo. Although echo is actually good too.
Hello Petros, thanks man. Its never too late for a change though 🤠
Go is great for web services, there's no need for an article to prove that, but I think most of the frontend developers out there are already familiar with Javascript/Typescript.
I don't feel like there's a specific language web devs should start their backend journey with, that's non-sense, but if there was one: why wouldn't they start with NodeJS, the ecosystem is rich, has a vibrant community and the language + building tools + best practices are very similar, if not the same.
So, why not start with baby steps and focus on the actual new backend topics you have to learn than the language and the platform itself?
I think people should choose languages by trying it themselves.
Or based on the problem they want to solve.
I am currently looking at the differences between Node, Python, Java and Go as backend languages.
Try .net core, graphql with hotchocolatte is really nice!
Oh cool I did not know about that one. Actually my thought process has changed now. I am trying to expand my skillset by learning a new language and not just for backend development. Also for use cases and future proofing. For example learning Python and Java would open the door to Android App development.
Using this for reference insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/...
Flutter would be much cooler (crossplatform app development and works really good) or if android only then I suggest you kotlin with jetpack, python is overrated, I mean fo data science it is cool but I wouldnt use it for anything else.
I don't doubt that its cool in fact I already have some courses on Flutter and Dart which I have had for a long time but never started. However if I am to learn something new then there needs to be job prospects available for it. Just searching on a few job boards brings up hundreds of hits for Python and Java jobs. More than Go, Kotlin and Rust.
If I was to learn Flutter is it going to lead to more job opportunities or will they just end up as personal side projects because not enough companies are hiring developers that use that tech stack? That is my concern.
I understand, I think we are from different countries, and that results in different needs in the tech field 🙂
I think the language doesn't matter.
In the end we should focus more on the libraries, communities and the ecosystem. For example, Python is a poor choice for web dev (slower adoption of new web techs in the community, not statically typed, etc), but the only (ok, an extrapolation, but you get it) viable choice for data science.
As for Go, a pretty solid choice for web dev, but certainly not all full stack devs should learn Go, that's non-sense.
Very weird list of reasons. I can think of a bunch of languages that would come up first to pair for a front-end dev. Only the speed is a kind of differentiator to Python, Ruby, and others. Everything else can be aplied to most languages.
Good article! I'm going to get at look at Go right inspired by your article. Here in Brazil it has no much attention, but I think it will be a good choice for a project of mine.