Last time, I wrote about why I think everyone should try using a bare bones text editor like vim at least for a while.
After such an experience, s...
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Hi, tmux is a really useful tool when using a terminal without split feature.
I use guake and I easily started tmux with your config, but I face a problem while trying to resize panes vertically with
or Down : nothing happens whereas it works perfectly for horizontal splitting.Any piece of advise?
Hi Biros,
I tried doing that on my terminal and it worked (the resizing for vertical splits).
Maybe you have remapped Ctrl-Up/Down to something else in some of your configurations?
Try remapping the controls in
to notC-up
but something else, likeC-u
or something like that just to debug what the problem is.In fact, the problem is only in full-screen mode with guake.
I also tried with another terminal and it works, whatever it is fullscreen or not.
Yes! Tmux + vim (with ctrlp-vim) is the way to go - only one or two terminals per project.
I also added
set -g mouse on
to click-select panes and mouse wheel to scroll (instead of scrolling through bash history).To add: if you don't want to deal with the complexity of a multiplexer, use neovim and you get a built-in terminal emulator that can run in a split :)
There's a couple of things that you can do to make tmux feel similar to VIM. I'm my tmux.conf file I have the following:
Full config: github.com/AGhost-7/docker-dev/blo...
That's actually pretty useful. Thanks!
neovim is a great tool, I agree.
However, tmux can be useful outside of vim as well.
If you want to do a non-vim related task in the terminal, I wouldn't want to have to open vim just to be able to multiplex my terminal.
Correct me if I'm wrong. :P
It depends, as always. If you're just writing code and need a shell or two to start builds or commit things, the inline terminal emulator is everything you need and more. If you're managing a bunch of servers -- obviously not.
You don't need neovim to do that - it's been part of Vim for a while now.
Nice to see love on this topic.
It's worth mentioning that with some config, you can use your mouse to switch tabs or resize splits in tmux. With x forwarding, this also works over ssh. Mouse is handy to have while you're learning the shortcuts
Great article. Tmux is an awesome tool and I highly recommend learning it. Tmux sessions also provide a great way to maintain your shell sessions across devices and also for sharing them with others.
It makes windows live again :)
Any reason why you wouldn't use Vim buffers?
Sometimes you want to use tmux not only as an add-on to vim, but for more generic terminal-related tasks as well.
In those cases, I think it's pointless to have to open vim just to be able to multiplex your terminal.
For very quick tasks, instead of opening a new tmux pane, I also like to Ctrl+z my vim window, do the quick job, and then go back in a microbeat to vim with fg.