In this installment of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen, Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm are joined by Brisbane, Queensland, Australia-based Cloud Developer Advocate for Microsoft Teams and Graph, Rabia Williams (Microsoft) | @williamsrabia.
Topics discussed in this session:
- On becoming an MVP and subsequently joining Microsoft during a Pandemic.
- Our digital connection today as opposed to traveling to connect in the old days.
- Top 3 surprises after joining Microsoft?
- What does a Microsoft Cloud Developer Advocate (CDA) do?
- Career tips for women considering a job in IT? Representation matters.
We also covered 21 articles published by Microsoft and the PnP Community over the last week.
Please remember to keep on providing us feedback on how we can help on this journey. We always welcome feedback on making the community more inclusive and diverse.
This session was recorded on Monday, January 17, 2022. Enjoy the show.
These videos and podcasts are published each week and are intended to be roughly 45 - 60 minutes in length. Please do give us feedback on this video and podcast series and also do let us know if you have done something cool/useful so that we can cover that in the next weekly summary! The easiest way to let us know is to share your work on Twitter and add the hashtag #PnPWeekly. We are always on the lookout for refreshingly new content. “Sharing is caring!”
Here are all the links and people mentioned in this recording. Thanks, everyone for your contributions to the community!
Microsoft articles:
- Most used SharePoint Framework solutions from the Store - December 2021 - Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen
- Microsoft Graph Mailbag – Using LargeFileUploadTask with Microsoft Graph SDKs - Brian Jackett (Microsoft) | @BrianTJackett
- New Single Sign-on service for Office Add-ins rolling out in Office on the web - Microsoft
- Graph API support for new content type sync enhancements - Shreya Ganguly (Microsoft)
- January 2022 – Syntex Licensing Updates and New Year Reflections - Chris McNulty (Microsoft) | @cmcnulty2000
- Syntex content assembly and the content lifecycle - Chris McNulty (Microsoft) | @cmcnulty2000
- Easily manage your Microsoft 365 apps with CLI for Microsoft 365 - Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm
- Power Apps Collections Basics - April Dunnam (Microsoft) | @aprildunnam
Community articles:
- CLI for Microsoft 365 on your mobile - Adam Wójcik (Hitachi Energy) | @Adam25858782
- PnP PowerShell or CLI for Microsoft 365 or both or other - Adam Wójcik (Hitachi Energy) | @Adam25858782
- Microsoft 365 self-service using Power Apps - Jan Bakker | @janbakker_
- Working with Custom Connectors in Power Platform for beginners - Michael Roth (IT-P Information Technology-Partner GmbH) | @MichaelRoth42
- Working with APIs in Power Platform for beginners - Michael Roth (IT-P Information Technology-Partner GmbH) | @MichaelRoth42
- PnP PowerShell/CSOM Now Works With SharePoint Sites.Selected Permission using Azure AD App - Leon Armston (Intelogy) | @LeonArmston
- Working with Apps for Microsoft Teams meetings - Vardhaman Deshpande (Valo Solutions) | @vrdmn
- How to create a To Do list using SharePoint and Microsoft Lists view formatting – Part 3 - João Ferreira (Beezy) | @joao12ferreira
- Configure Teams Tab applications - Markus Möller (Avanade) | @Moeller2_0
- Set the task priority in Microsoft Planner using Power Automate - Pieter Veenstra (HybrIT Services) | @PieterVeenstra
- Episode #189 - Shared Files Governance via Microsoft Graph - Paolo Pialorsi (PiasSys) | @PaoloPia
- Role Touchpoints during Information Governance and Records Management Implementation - Joanne Klein | @JoanneCKlein
- Where to share important corporate documents - Sarah Haase (U.S. Bank) | @sarahhaase
Additional resources:
- Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Gallery (preview) -
- PnP Sharing is Caring initiative - Getting started guidance and training for using GitHub and contributing to the community
- Want to ask a question or in general engage with the community - Add a note in the Microsoft 365 PnP Community hub at
- Check out all the great community calls, SDKs, and tooling for Microsoft 365 from
If you’d like to hear from a specific community member in an upcoming recording and/or have specific questions for Microsoft 365 engineering or visitors – please let us know. We will do our best to address your requests or questions.
"Sharing is caring!"