One concern holding companies back from embracing microservices is the investment they’ve made in their monolithic architectures. Ultimately, the benefits outweigh the costs, says Sophie Rutard, head of documentation management; identity and access management; and API developer relations at credit insurer Euler Hermes.
As Sophie says, her different responsibilities sound unrelated at first glance. But because the company functions on a microservice architecture, they all interact naturally.
“It's all APIs that we built: some are part of the document area, some are the backbone of our IT infrastructure, because it's the authorizations for our APIs. And then we expose them on the developer portal that we have built. And that's where it comes all together,” she says.
On this episode of API Intersection, Sophie talks about the challenges of transitioning a nearly 100-year-old company to a new idea, negotiating over your style guide, and seeing APIs as a constant work in progress.