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Discussion on: Unit testing frontend code is (probably) useless

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Oops, sorry, wrong link - Edited it now ...

The above thing seriously doesn't have enough logic in the frontend to justify creating unit tests for it, which might come as a surprise if you see its features, and/or try it out ...

Of course, it's built upon the same thing we've got 1,000+ unit tests in the backend for ...

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

Sorry I'm on the phone and hit send too early, edited the comment before 😅 (and now checking your link)

Yup, this client code is really short, it can probably avoid most logic that a usual webapp has plus with some more E2E (apart from those sanity checks I saw) you'll cover it entirely or mostly like it was BDD.

I think we can agree that it's not the case of an usual webApp in which you'll have logic about what someone can see depending on it's role/permissions, multiple user journeys depending on X or Y, sometimes A/B testing (being created in-house or by some third party tool), content based on user preferences and so on. (Some of those needs to be double-checked by the backend of course, but the double is not silent).

Avoid testing on this situations can become a mess quickly. And even if it doesn't, my experience says that you'll get a hard time with what HHRR people categorises as "retaining the talent" 😂

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polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

which you'll have logic about what someone can see depending on it's role/permissions, multiple user journeys depending on X or Y ...

All of these, and more, is to be found in Magic ... ;)

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Created prograMagically I guess 😁

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polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Hehehe :D

Yup!! ^_^