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AWS : EC2 Creation

What is EC2 ?

EC2 is a Virtual Server offer by Amazon to running the application on AWS.

Installing ES2 in AWS.
Step# 1 :
Login to Your AWS account and go to the ES2 Dashboard.

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Step# 2 :
In the EC2 Dashboard, Click the "Launch Instance" button(Orange color).

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Step# 3:
In the Launch Instance Page, Name your new Web server/Virtual Server and selecting OS Image ( AWS Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, Redhat) then choose the Latest version of the OS and Architecture.

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In the Launch Instance Page, Choose the Instance type( No. of CPU's , Memory ) Re command is t2.micro for the study purpose, go head with higher performance machines for Organization purpose.

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Step# 5:
Creating Key Pair and it used to open your ES2 instance in your machine.

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Name the Key pair file and choose the RSA decryption/encryption algorithm then save the file *.pem in Local, don't share it.

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Step# 6:
Configure Network Settings on your EC2 instance.

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By clicking "Edit" button, you can change the configuration.
Enable the "Auto-assign public IP" to connect your instance in public. Create and name your Security group to controlling the port access. We are open the ssh port to connect the EC2 from my local machine.

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Step #7: Storage.
Choose the appropriate storage to be require for the application. Re command would be 8GB for learning purpose.

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Step# 8:
Creating/installing the EC2 instance by click the "Launch Instance" button. You can create more than one instance with this configuration by change the "Number of Instance".

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Below page will be navigate once EC2 successfully running.

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Step# 9 :
By clicking the "Instance ID", we can see the all the configuration of EC2.

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Detach/Terminate Instance

Step #1:
In EC2 dashboard, Choose the instance name from list and select the Instance State drop down. It will show instance states, Stop, start, terminate, etc.

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Choose the Instance state "Terminate Instance" will detach the instance which are choose in the Dashboard.

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Choose the "Terminate" button on the pop-up screen.

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Will take few minutes to terminated the EC2 Instance.

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