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Certainly! Let's create a practical example involving a source table and a target table. Imagine we have an e-commerce platform with a table that keeps track of all the products, and we want to create a promotional campaign for products that have been highly rated by customers.

First, we'll create a source table named Products that contains product information, including ratings:

    ProductID INT,
    ProductName VARCHAR(255),
    Rating DECIMAL(3, 2)
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Let's assume the Products table has the following data:

ProductID ProductName Rating
1 Laptop 4.5
2 Smartphone 4.7
3 Headphones 4.6

Next, we'll create a target table named Promotions where we want to insert products with a rating of 4.5 or higher for a special discount campaign:

create Promotions table without any values! it should be empty!(not always just for our purpose :) )

CREATE TABLE Promotions (
    ProductID INT,
    ProductName VARCHAR(255)
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Now, we'll use the INSERT INTO SELECT statement to insert the ProductID and ProductName from the Products table into the Promotions table for products with a rating of 4.5 or higher:

INSERT INTO Promotions (ProductID, ProductName)
SELECT ProductID, ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Rating >= 4.5;
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After executing this query, the Promotions table will contain the following data:

ProductID ProductName
1 Laptop
2 Smartphone
3 Headphones

This is a practical example of how the INSERT INTO SELECT statement can be used in the real world to manage promotions based on product ratings in an e-commerce scenario.

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