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PostgreSQL Replication (Part 3)

Modes of Replication in PostgreSQL Database :

Synchronous mode of Replication : Transactions on the master database in this mode are not considered complete until all replicas have received the modifications. For the transactions to successfully complete on the master, all of the replica servers must be up at all times.

Asynchronous mode of Replication : When changes have only been made on the master server in this mode, transactions on the master server can be deemed complete. Later, these modifications are reproduced to the copies.

Types of PostgreSQL Database Replication?

Physical Replication of PostgreSQL Database :
In Physical replication, we deal with with files and directories.
Physical replication is done at file system level or disk level.
Logical Replication of PostgreSQL Database :
In Logical Replication, we deal with databases, tables, and DML operations.
Logical replication is done at the database cluster level.

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