My First Week of Learning DevOps: A Roadmap to Automation with Python, Git, and Key Concepts
I’ve just started my journey into DevOps, and I quickly realized that automation is key to making development processes more efficient. To kick things off, I focused on two essential tools: Python for automation and Git for version control. These tools are fundamental to DevOps, with Python helping automate tasks and Git allowing smooth collaboration and code management.
But DevOps is much more than just Python and Git. It also involves important concepts like Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and containerization with tools like Docker and Kubernetes to manage applications more efficiently. Cloud platform provider like Azure, AWS , GCP etc , collaboration with Dev and Op teams and many more…..
I’m looking for any good materials—be it tutorials, notes, books, or videos—to deepen my understanding of these topics. If anyone has recommendations for learning resources, I’d greatly appreciate your help!
I have started my journey with the basic of python and Git and the following is my learning.
Python: Building a Strong Foundation for Automation
During my first week with Python, I concentrated on understanding its basic structure and syntax. I started with simple concepts such as variables, data types, operators, and control flow. For example, I wrote a basic calculator program to practice arithmetic operations and control flow with if-else statements.
I also experimented with loops by creating a multiplication table generator, where I used loops to repeat operations and print a table of any given number. For functions, I created a factorial calculator, which involved user input, recursion, and return values.
Here are some examples of the small projects I tackled:
Odd or Even Number Checker: A simple program that takes a number as input and checks whether it's odd or even using an if-else condition.
Fibonacci Sequence Generator: A script to generate the first N numbers in the Fibonacci sequence using a loop or recursion.
Palindrome Checker: A program that checks whether a word or phrase reads the same forward and backward.
I also started learning about data structures like lists, tuples, and dictionaries, using them in projects like:
To-Do List: A simple program where tasks can be added, removed, or listed using a Python list.
Throughout the week, I paid close attention to good practices, such as following PEP 8 guidelines for readability and avoiding hardcoded values.
Git: Understanding Version Control for Effective Collaboration
In parallel to Python, I dove into Git to learn version control, which is key in collaborative development and DevOps. I set up my GitHub account and started by learning basic Git commands such as:
Installation & Configuration
Setting up Git was straightforward, thanks to Git's official site. I configured my username and email for commits using git config.
Basic Commands
Commands like git init, git add, git commit, and git push felt like magic. I now understand how to track changes in my files and push them to remote repositories like GitHub.
Exploring Branches
Learning about branches made me realize how teams work on features independently and merge their work seamlessly.
I created a simple repository for a small Python project, experimented with git status, git log, and git diff to track changes, view project history, and inspect file differences.
One of my first challenges was understanding branches. I practiced creating a feature branch, making changes, and then merging them back into the main branch with git merge. I am still exploring the Git as there is more to understand.
Next week , I am planning to explore some more concepts which will helpful for me in DevOps journey in context of Python and Git.
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