This is the 39th day of the Competitive programming journey. I am happy to have started this. Through this journey I have discovered many platforms and their workings. In this journey I had come accross working with Strings, Stacks and many more data structures and algorithms. Today I have solved one worthy question from Leetcode. This question involves a concept called Backtracking. It is a form of concept called Recurrsion.
The question I have solved today is "Letter combinations of a Phone number". This is my first question in Leetcode related to Backtracking. The concept was quiet challenging to learn at the beginning. But when I solved the sum, I really enjoyed it.
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number : Involves concepts of Backtracking and if-else. Programming Language I have used in Python.
I feel so elated to have started this journey and I am now motivated to solve more programming questions.
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