Why Cloudinary?
Cloudinary is a powerful cloud-based image and video management service that enables developers to store, optimize, and deliver media files efficiently. By leveraging Cloudinary, CampusX significantly reduces the load time of images, ensuring a seamless user experience. Instead of storing images on local servers, which can slow down performance and consume storage, Cloudinary serves optimized images via a CDN, reducing latency and bandwidth consumption.
Key Benefits of Using Cloudinary in CampusX
- Efficient Storage & Delivery: Images are stored in Cloudinary’s cloud storage and served via their CDN, improving load times.
- On-the-Fly Optimization: Cloudinary automatically compresses and resizes images without sacrificing quality, ensuring faster page loads.
- Automated Deletion & Updates: Cloudinary's API allows dynamic updates and deletions, ensuring that old images do not remain stored unnecessarily.
- Secure & Scalable: Authentication and API security ensure that images are accessible only by authorized users.
Cloudinary Setup in CampusX
To integrate Cloudinary, we configure it using environment variables:
import { v2 as cloudinary } from "cloudinary";
cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDNARY_CLOUD_NAME,
api_key: process.env.CLOUDNARY_APIKEY,
api_secret: process.env.CLOUDNARY_SECRET,
This setup ensures that our credentials remain secure and are not hardcoded into the source code.
Uploading Images to Cloudinary
Whenever a user uploads an avatar, cover image, or post image, the image is sent to Cloudinary’s storage, and the response contains a URL for accessing the uploaded image.
const uploadOnCloudnary = async (localfilepath) => {
try {
if (!localfilepath) {
return null;
const response = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(localfilepath, {
resource_type: "auto",
folder: "home/learnDummy",
console.info("File uploaded :", response.url);
return response;
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error while uploading to Cloudinary");
Updating User Avatars & Cover Images
When a user updates their avatar or cover image, the old one is deleted from Cloudinary before uploading the new one, preventing redundant storage.
const updateAvatar = async (oldCloudinaryUrl, localFilePath) => {
try {
if (!localFilePath) {
return null;
const publicId = oldCloudinaryUrl?.split("/").pop().split(".")[0] || null;
if (publicId) {
await cloudinary.uploader.destroy(`home/learnDummy/${publicId}`);
console.info("Old avatar deleted:", publicId);
const response = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(localFilePath, {
resource_type: "auto",
folder: "home/learnDummy",
console.info("New avatar uploaded:", response.url);
return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error updating avatar:", error);
return null;
The same logic is applied to updating cover images:
const updateCoverImage = async (oldCloudinaryUrl, localFilePath) => {
// Similar logic to updateAvatar
Deleting Images
When a user deletes their profile or a post, associated images must also be deleted from Cloudinary to free up space.
const deleteImage = async (oldCloudinaryUrl) => {
try {
if (!oldCloudinaryUrl) {
return null;
const publicId = oldCloudinaryUrl?.split("/").pop().split(".")[0] || null;
if (publicId) {
await cloudinary.uploader.destroy(`home/learnDummy/${publicId}`);
console.info("Image deleted:", publicId);
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error deleting image:", error);
return null;
Automating Image Cleanup with Mongoose Hooks
To ensure images are deleted when a user or post is removed, we use Mongoose pre-hooks.
postSchema.pre("deleteOne", { document: true, query: false }, async function (next) {
console.log(`Deleting comments and image for post: ${this._id}`);
await deleteImage(this.image);
Whenever a post is deleted, the associated image is also deleted, preventing orphaned files from accumulating in Cloudinary.
By integrating Cloudinary in CampusX, we optimize image storage, improve load times, and automate media management. Cloudinary’s CDN ensures faster image delivery, while its API allows efficient handling of uploads, updates, and deletions. These optimizations contribute to an improved user experience, reduced server load, and seamless media management.
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