DEV Community

Praveen Kumar K
Praveen Kumar K

Posted on

After launch a new SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 in AWS EC2 software channels not working.

i. Confirm your operating system (OS) is registered. If not, please try registering using the following commands:

Checking Registration Status:

    $ sudo SUSEConnect -s
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Registering the Instance:

    $ sudo registercloudguest --clean
    $ sudo registercloudguest --force-new
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ii. After registration, please run the following commands to add the "sle-module-public-cloud" repositories and check the status:

    $ sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-public-cloud/15.6/x86_64
    $ sudo SUSEConnect --status-text
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iii. After registering the operating system on instance, Execute the following commands to check the installed and available modules and repositories:

    $ sudo SUSEConnect --list-extensions

    $ sudo zypper repos
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