Below are some of the easy steps we can follow to make the Rails code hard to debug for others.
1. Reduce the number of lines
Lesser the number of lines, the better developer you are.
It will affect readability for others. But, that's their problem!
x = x - 1 and y +=1 and z = true while is_it_even_legal?() if some_random_condition
2. Use define_method and make it hard to debug
This code defines two methods, enable_feature_a and enable_feature_b. This dynamic function definition makes it difficult to debug code and find the impact areas.
SAMPLE_AR = %w(feature_a feature_b)
SAMPLE_AR.each do |item|
define_method("enable_#{item}") do |params={}|
# do something
So when your colleague misses impact, you can blame them.
3. Calling dynamic functions
Similar to #2, functions can be called dynamically.
item = 'feature_a'
4. Access instance variable, that were set in different file
Do not use function params or return values. Always use instance variables across files, so others have no idea where this instance variable was set.
class SomeController
include SomeModule
def calculate_something(num)
modules SomeModule
def double_of_num(num)
@result_num = num * num
puts "set instance variable here and use this in a different file, so Others can find it hard to debug"
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